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Dr. Katie Strom is an assistant professor teaching in the Educational Leadership for Social Justice Ed.D program at California State University, East Bay. Her research interests include employing critical posthuman perspectives to study the ways teachers translate socially just pedagogies into practice, as well as and qualitative practitioner methods of inquiry, such as self-study. Dr. Strom received her Ph.D at Montclair State University, where she served as a Teacher Education and Teacher Development research and teaching fellow. Kathryn is the author of three books: Becoming-Teacher: A Rhizomatic Look at First Year Teaching, Decentering the Researcher in Intimate Scholarship: Critical Posthuman Methodological Perspectives, and Exploring Gender and LGBTQ Issues in K-12 and Teacher Education: A Rainbow Assemblage. She has also published articles in multiple journals, including The Journal of Teacher Education, Teachers College Record, Review of Research in Education, Teacher Education Quarterly, and Equity and Excellence in Education.
Prior to pursuing her doctorate, Dr. Strom taught history at various levels from grades 7-12, primarily in very diverse, low-income settings with high proportions of multilingual and special needs students. She also served as a school leader and founding member of a community-based, social-justice focused charter school in San Diego, CA. While at Montclair State University, Dr. Strom also taught and conducted research with the Newark Montclair Urban Teacher Residency, an inquiry-based, social justice-focused M.A.T. program in Newark, New Jersey. After completing her terminal degree, Dr. Strom accepted a position with WestEd’s Quality Teaching for English Learners initiative, where she worked with teachers and principals to develop socioculturally-grounded methods for teaching language minority students and conducted district evaluations of services provided to English learners. She also served as part of the external evaluation team for the New Generation Education initiative, which provided ten California State Universities to implement innovative reforms
for their teacher preparation programs. Currently, she works as a senior researcher with the International Consortium of Multilingual Excellence in Education (ICMEE), a social-justice focused initiative that provides language-focused professional development to teachers internationally.