Join the GEA Executive Committee

The Gender and Education Association (GEA) is a volunteer-led international intersectional feminist charity. Since 1997, our community of educators, researchers, activists, leaders, artists, and more have been working to challenge and eradicate gender stereotyping, sexism, and gender inequality within and through education. UK charity number: 1159145

We are currently recruiting the following roles to join the Executive Committee.

  • EDI (Equality/Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) Lead
  • Partnerships Lead
  • Social Media Leads (2 roles)
  • Member Reps – Students (2 roles)

All GEA Executive Board members volunteer their time to lead and shape GEA. The time commitment for many of the GEA Exec roles is about 15-25 hours a year, including attending four one-hour Executive Board meetings a year, one one-hour long Annual General Meeting (AGM) a year, and occassional subcommittee meetings depending on the role. All GEA Executive Board members are reimbursed for their annual GEA membership.

EDI (Equality/Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) Lead: Strengthening GEA’s inclusive and intersectional feminist work and co-chairing (along with the Membership Lead) the Member Rep subcommittee meeting at least once a year.

Partnerships Lead: Building and strengthening GEA’s partnerships (with other charities/non-profits; with journals and publishers; with groups and organisations committed to gender equity)

Social Media Leads (2 roles): Building GEA’s social media visibility and engagement on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Member Reps – Students (2 roles): Representing a voice for the GEA student members. Student GEA members enrolled in any degree granting programme, whether part-time or full-time, are welcome to apply. 

Who Should Apply

We welcome applications from feminists from anywhere in the world. Preference will be given to applicants who are currently or have previously been active GEA members and/or are currently or have been active members in organisations that GEA often partners with or have a similar feminist ethos as GEA (such as #FEAS or FSA). Active membership can include, but isn’t limited to, attending or presenting at events/conferences (virtual or in person), engaging in GEA’s online community, writing for GEA’s blog.

How to Apply