The Scottish Funding Council (SFC) is aiming to tackle the gender imbalance in some key professions these include childcare, engineering, hair & beauty and construction. Alison Malcolm, Policy Analysis Officer at SFC outlines the plans.Continue reading
Author: GenderAnd Education
Hanna Retallack: The State of Education Today: Feminism’s Fourth Wave
Is a new wave of feminism developing in schools? Hanna Retallack discusses how students are responding to issues of gender and sexuality to challenge the status quo. In April this year, the Women and EqualitiesContinue reading
Academisation: A Cautionary Tale From Holland
Toby Greany and Melanie Ehren. The schools white paper brings together recent announcements from the budget and thefunding consultation as well as the provisions in the Education and Adoption Act to set out theContinue reading
Why I believe Brexit from the EU would harm UK higher education
*this is a guest post written by Sara Adkisson and originally posted on the UCL IOE blog Following Prime Minister David Cameron’s announcement that the European Union referendum will take place on June 23, there is nowContinue reading
GEA Conference Updates
Our biennial conference is fast approaching – for up to the minute details, including flights, hotels, how to register and programme information see here VITAL INFO: The deadline for paper submissions has been EXTENDEDContinue reading
Guest Post: Sexism in Education
GEA are thrilled to have Lucy Rycroft-Smith write this exclusive post on sexism in education for our site. Lucy Rycroft-Smith is a freelance writer and ex-teacher of ten years. She writes for the Guardian, theContinue reading
Moving Forward: Identities, Sexting, Schooled Bodies, and the Curriculum that Frames us
Dates: May 22, 2016 – May 25, 2016 Location: Western University, Faculty of Education, London, Ontario, Canada This international Symposium is aimed at developing and extending a dialogue to address what appears both nationally andContinue reading
How Attractive is a Career in Academia?
Author; William Locke. The growing pressures faced by universities have had an impact on academic careers. Changes to academic roles, contracts and career paths, along with increasing workloads, have created new challenges. Yet in today’sContinue reading
Event; Compulsory Coupledom, Postfeminist Education and Imagined Futures
Compulsory Coupledom, Postfeminist Education and Imagined Futures Dr. Kinneret Lahad, Tel-Aviv University Respondent: Prof. Yvette Taylor, University of Strathclyde Thursday 4th February 4pm & 6pm H229 Lord Hope Building, University of StrathclydeContinue reading
The Challenges of Doing Feminist Research: Reflecting on the Feminist Research Methodologies Conference
Sheffield University recently held a conference on feminist research methodologies – two members of GEA presented papers and the keynote was delivered by GEA chair, Professor Jessica Ringrose so the association was well represented. WithContinue reading