This post was written by Chris Husbands and first appeared on the IOE blog; on the 28/10/15 How much is too much? It’s a question we tend to ask when in the proximity of strawberry crèmes, orContinue reading
Author: GenderAnd Education
A conversation with Dr Joyce E. King
IOE UCL is delighted to announce that it will be hosting a conversation with Dr Joyce E. King on the 8th November 2015. Dr. Joyce King holds the Benjamin E. Mays Endowed Chair for Urban Teaching, LearningContinue reading
Witch or Sexy Kitten; Girls, Double Standards and the Illusion of ‘Choice’ at Halloween
In the run up to Halloween, we are proud to publish this fantastic piece co-authored by Professor Jessica Ringrose, Emilie Lawrence, Hanna Retallack and Siri Lindholm which challenges the inherent sexism apparent in the costumeContinue reading
CFP to Host GEA 2016 Conference
CALL FOR PROPOSALS The Gender and Education Association are pleased to announce that their next international interim conference will be held in June 2016. The GEA executive committee welcome proposals to host the interimContinue reading
Consenting or consuming? What kind of sexuality is 50 Shades of Grey selling to young women?
Emilie Lawrence and Jessica Ringrose From toilet rolls to sex toys, 50 Shades of Grey spin-offs show that the support for the trilogy has been huge and the backlash even bigger. The book has beenContinue reading
Education Gone Bad
We are pleased to announce a call for papers for an upcoming special issue of Children’s Literature in Education Spring 2017 , edited by Elizabeth Marshall and Lissa Paul. From Sarah Fielding’s The Governess, or The Little FemaleContinue reading
Healthy Sexual Development
SRE (Sex and Relationships Education) is VITAL in ensuring that we equip students with the confidence and knowledge needed to have healthy, positive and safe sexual relationships. Time and time again, research has shown thatContinue reading
The TENTH international biennial conference of the Gender and Education Association is now less than a week away. Hosted by The University of Roehampton, Feminisms, Power and Pedagogy is sure to be an informative, engaging andContinue reading
We are pleased to announce the following calls for papers; all three are fantastic opportunities and promise to be exciting events! 1. Neoliberalism, work and gender education (deadline for abstracts is 6 July) NGEWContinue reading
White Working-Class Boys’ Learner Identities in Neoliberal Times
Garth Stahl, now at the University of South Australia, discusses his research in London, UK, on white working class boys. Garth’s book Identity, Neoliberalism and Aspiration: Educating White Working-class Boys is now available from Routledge.Continue reading