Forthcoming Symposium on Healthy Sexual Development. Friday 3rd July 2015, Bristol. The RSE Hub and the University of Westminster would like to invite you to a symposium on Healthy Sexual Development, exploring how research inContinue reading
Author: GenderAnd Education
Generating ‘Good’ Ideas, Writing Good Papers and Reviewing Journal Articles: A free workshop for doctoral students and early career researchers who have not yet published in refereed academic journals
As part of the 2015 Gender and Education Association conference, the Gender & Education editorial team will be running a free workshop for doctoral students and early career researchers who have not yet published inContinue reading
Gender and economic equality in Scotland: mission (im)possible?
Unequal access to life opportunities continues to constitute a chronic impediment to education, participation in civic society and work, and health and well-being in Scotland, especially so of girls and women. It is a strikingContinue reading
Gender and Education in the Asia-Pacific: Possibilities and Provocations: a report from the Melbourne Conference
The Gender and Education Interim Conference hosted by three universities in Melbourne in December was a truly inspiring occasion. Three outstanding key notes were followed by three inspirational panels organized around Rebecca Barry’s remarkable filmContinue reading
Towards a politics of hope? Activism and gendered labour
In this blog post Janet Newman, Emeritus Professor at the Open University introduces her recent book Working the Spaces of Power: activism, neoliberalism and gendered labour. She asks, in these dire times, how might itContinue reading
2015 GEA Conference programme
Programme in day order Abstracts Weds 24 June Abstracts Thurs 25 June Abstracts Fri 26 June
2015 Biennial Conference of the GEA Association: Keynote speakers’ short bios and abstracts
2015 Biennial Conference of the GEA Association: Keynote speakers’ short bios and abstracts Prof. Katarina Eriksson Barajas, Linköping University, Sweden The Power of Fiction as a Pedagogical Tool for Eliciting Gender Discourses My paper examinesContinue reading
We need inclusive, intergenerational feminist debate
By Vesela Harizanova Recent years have seen a revival of feminist thought and activism, often described as ‘the fourth wave of feminism’, which is facilitated by the accessibility of social media and mobile technology, enablingContinue reading
Call for Papers for a Special Issue of Gender and Education
If not now, when? Feminism in contemporary activist, social and educational contexts Special Issue Guest Editors: Olivia Guaraldo and Angie Voela Political and socio-economic developments in recent years have created new opportunities and new battlegrounds forContinue reading
Call for Papers for a Special Issue of Gender and Education: Taking Stock
Special Issue Guest Editors: Alexandra Allan and Penny Tinkle This special issue will initiate a process of taking stock of gender and education; our hope is that subsequent issues of the Gender and Education journalContinue reading