Third and Final Call for Papers DEADLINE EXTENDED TO 10 January 2015 University of Roehampton, 24-26 June 2015 The tenth international biennial conference of the Gender and Education Association, Feminisms, Power and Pedagogy, will beContinue reading
Author: GenderAnd Education
Film and learning how to be a girl
By Dr. Kristina Gottschall, Charles Sturt University, Bathurst NSW Australia Governments, policy-makers, teachers, education researchers – we all think we know what teaching and learning or ‘pedagogy’ is all about. Indeed, we set our expectations,Continue reading
Call for Abstracts for a Special Issue of Gender and Education
Special Issue Guest Editors: Sharon Todd, Rachel Jones and Aislinn O’Donnell Shifting Education’s Philosophical Imaginaries: Relations, Affects, Bodies, Materialities As Michèle Le Doeuff pointed out in her classic feminist work, The Philosophical Imaginary, images functionContinue reading
10th Biennial Conference of the Gender and Education Association
Feminisms, Power and Pedagogy: 10th Biennial Conference of the Gender and Education Association University of Roehampton 24-26 June 2015 The tenth international biennial conference of the Gender and Education Association, Feminisms, Power and Pedagogy, will beContinue reading
Policy Report for GEA, June 2014
FEMINISM, GENDER & UNIVERSITIES: POLITICS, PASSION & PEDAGOGIES (London: Ashgate 2014) Miriam E. David Feminist scholarship, feminist knowledge and feminist pedagogies are all celebrated in this book and I hope to tempt you toContinue reading
ESRC-funded workshop: ‘Academia and Gender: Inducing cultural change to plug the ‘leaky pipeline’
The University of Warwick is organising an ESRC-funded workshop “Academia and Gender: Inducing cultural change to plug the ‘leaky pipeline’ workshop” at the Royal Society on the 5th-6th of June. This event will bring together academics in different disciplines, gender experts,Continue reading
Educating young people about sex: Addressing issues of gender, sexuality and diversity, 11-13 April, 2014, Brno, Czech Republic
The international conference, Educating young people about sex: addressing issues of gender, sexuality and diversity takes place on 11-13 April in Brno, Czech Republic. The conference is part-funded by the GEA and is jointly organisedContinue reading
New Book Series Welcoming Proposals on Gender and Education
The new Gender & Education Series, edited by Yvette Taylor, provides a comprehensive space for an increasingly diverse and complex area of interdisciplinary social science research. As the field of women and gender studies is rapidlyContinue reading
Gender and Education Biennial Interim Conference 9-11th December 2014
Gender and Education in the Asia Pacific: Possibilities and provocations We would like to invite you to the Gender and Education Association Biennial Interim Conference, which is being held in the Southern Hemisphere for theContinue reading