By Nancy Lombard, Glasgow Caledonian University The FRA study from the EU agency for Fundamental Rights released last Thursday did the usual rounds with the same old figures: 1 in three women have experienced abuse in theirContinue reading
Author: GenderAnd Education
The Naturalisation of Everyday Sexism and Violence
By Nancy Lombard, Glasgow Caledonian University The FRA study from the EU agency for Fundamental Rights released last Thursday did the usual rounds with the same old figures: 1 in three women have experiencedContinue reading
Are you interested in becoming a book reviewer for the Gender and Education Journal?
The Gender and Education journal are currently inviting scholars to review the texts outlined on this list. If you would like to review one of these texts then please do contact the reviews editor: DrContinue reading
Call for Papers: ‘Critical Diversities: Policies, Practices and Perspectives’, 10th -11th July 2014, Weeks Centre, LSBU
The ESRC Seminar Series ‘Critical Diversities @the Intersection’ (2012- 2014) has reflected a current wave of work within the social sciences, humanities and arts, which offer new ways of conceptualising and empirically researching ‘diversity’. OurContinue reading
Relaunch of the Paulo Freire Institute-UK
By Penny Jane Burke, University of Roehampton. The Paulo Freire Institute-UK (PFI-UK) has now been relaunched at the University of Roehampton as an interdisciplinary research centre, with particular interest in feminist engagements with FreireanContinue reading
Review of Melissa Benn’s ‘What should we tell our daughters? The pleasures and pressures of growing up female’
By Professor Miriam E. David Benn, Melissa (2013) What should we tell our daughters? The pleasures and pressures of growing up female (London: John Murray) ISBN 978-1-84854-827-1 pp 343 £20 Three cheers for Melissa Benn! MembersContinue reading
Boys and Girls Speak Out on Sexism and Sexual Harassment
A report by Josie Austin and Helen Sivey of Cardiff University on the launch of Professor Emma Renold’s report on young people’s gender and sexual cultures for the National Assembly for Wales. A dozen youngContinue reading
Gender and Education in the Asia Pacific: Possibilities and Provocations 9-11 December, 2014
Co-Convenors: Dr Emily Gray (RMIT University), Dr Anne Harris (Monash University) & Professor Julie McLeod (The University of Melbourne) Melbourne Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne 234 Queensberry Street, Parkville, Melbourne, Australia Continue reading
Feminist Responses to the Robbins Report, 50 Years on: Where were and are the women?
By Miriam E. David, Institute of Education, London. The Centre for Higher Education & Equity Research (CHEER) at the University of Sussex hosted yet another unique and seriously important event on Monday last, DecemberContinue reading
How Miley Brought Feminism Back
By Shauna Pomerantz, Brock University, St. Catharines, ON. Now that the dust has settled on one of the most publicized popular culture controversies in recent history, it is time to reflect on what MileyContinue reading