Golden lads and girls all must/As chimney-sweepers, come to dust. –Cymbeline
Author: GenderAnd Education
A report from from the BSA’s Young Masculinities one-day seminar
On Friday the 2nd of November, in an event entitled Young Masculinities: Challenges, Changes and Transitions the British Sociological Association’s Youth Study Group turned their attention to masculinities, an area receiving ever increasing academic attentionContinue reading
NEW SERIES: Queer Studies and Education
Series Editors: William F. Pinar, Nelson M. Rodriguez, and Ugena Whitlock
Ditching the ‘Sticks and Stones’: Facebook and the power of social regulation
Back in the day, I remember my mum repeating the old slogan “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me”. I think it was in the context of some kidsContinue reading
Honouring Adrienne Rich, key ‘second-wave’ feminist writer and poet (1926-2012)
Adrienne Cecile Rich, American poet, essayist and feminist, who was born on 16 May 1929 and died over 9 months ago on 27 March 2012, has had several fulsome obituaries in the USA and theContinue reading
The Feminist Library presents ‘Women’s Studies Without Walls’ weekend – 19th and 20th January
By Ruth Nicholson, Structured Volunteer at The Feminist Library and member of the organising committee of the ‘Women’s Studies Without Walls’
Enterprising, Enduring, Enabling? Early Career Efforts and ‘Winning’ Workshops
I was recently invited to present and participate in a British Sociological Association (BSA) workshop organized by the Early Career Researchers (ECRs) Study Group conveners, Dr Katherine Twamley and Dr Mark Doidge. The title ofContinue reading
The Exciting Life of Being a Woman: A Handbook for Women & Girls by Feminist Webs
Recently I picked up a new book by the feminist youth work collective, Feminist Webs. The Exciting Life of Being a Woman: A Handbook for Women and Girls is a riposte to the rather drearyContinue reading
GEA 2013: Compelling Diversities, Educational Intersections: Policy, Practice, Parity
Gender and Education Association Biennial Conference 2013 Weeks Centre for Social and Policy Research, London South Bank University Tuesday 23rd– Friday 26th April 2013 Confirmed keynote speakers: – Prof. Lisa Adkins, University of Newcastle,Continue reading
Is university life becoming more sexist?
Undergraduate students at Cardiff University are gearing up to discuss whether life at university is becoming more sexist. As part of this Emily Parnell, an undergraduate student, reflects on Carnage UK: Pimps ‘n’ Hoes