A Conference Report for GEA The working title for my research is: ‘Learning to Serve Time: troubling Spaces of Working Class Masculinity in the U.K’. It aims to explore, through the in-depth study of aContinue reading
Author: GenderAnd Education
Abby Hardgrove on ‘Collisions, Coalitions and Riotous Subjects: The Riots One Year On’
A Conference Report for GEA I work as a post-graduate research associate on a research initiative focused on young men’s experiences of unemployment in the UK during a time of austerity: ‘Diaspora geographies and generations:Continue reading
Sarah Burton on ‘Collisions, Coalitions and Riotous Subjects: The Riots One Year On’
A Conference Report for GEA Recently I had the pleasure of attending Collisions, Coalitions and Riotous Subjects:The London Riots one year on. The riots in August 2012 came just as I was preparing to beginContinue reading
Collisions, Coalitions and Riotous Subjects: The Riots One Year On
A Conference Report for GEA Over the past year, academics have brought critical perspectives to bear on the complex causes and consequences of the English riots of 2011. Important questions have been raised about theContinue reading
Care, the elephant in the (class)room?
Historically, in the UK and other European countries, the figures of the learner and the scholar have been associated with being care-free (i.e. with having no primary responsibility for dependents). These days, universities have considerablyContinue reading
“Take a Walk in My Shoes”
When we think about the term ‘gender equality’, we tend to think about the oppression, violence and discrimination against girls and women. We think of boys and men as the oppressors who create the problemsContinue reading
Watching A Wedding: Private-Publics
I came to a stop in my tracks. I stood and stared as I began to watch a wedding; a deliberately public event announcing itself, lakeside, on a bright – but still cold – winterContinue reading
Physics Education: It’s Different for Girls?
Back in the late eighties I was one of two girls out of thirty pupils in my 5th form Physics class. While girls were happy to take up the Biology and Modern Language options, inContinue reading
‘Hello my little Barbies’: Nicki Minaj and Masquerade
A few months back a youth work colleague voiced concern about the young women she works with listening to a rising new female rapper, Nicki Minaj. She felt that the lyrics and the image wereContinue reading