It is with great sadness and regret that we have to announce the cancellation of GEA 2020 in Calgary due to COVID 19 measures in Canada. Here is a message from organiser Professor Michael Keller:Continue reading
Author: GenderAnd Education
Countdown to Conference #GEAconf2020 programme
This post is part of the Countdown to Conference (C2C) series. We would love to feature a brief blog post from you too! Visit our main Countdown to Conference page for details! For more information about #GEAconf202 visit the conferenceContinue reading
Is it possible to listen across difference in feminist digital spaces?
By Caitlin McGrane, Akane Kanai and Julia Coffey Despite what we might think, feminists use social media to try to understand different points of view and bring about social change, even when conflict can makeContinue reading
C2C: #GEACONF2020 Keynote Speaker Shirley Anne Tate
This post is part of the Countdown to Conference (C2C) series. We would love to feature a brief blog post from you too! Visit our main Countdown to Conference page for details! For more information about #GEAconf202 visit the conferenceContinue reading
C2C: #GEACONF2020 Keynote Speaker Rebecca Raby
This post is part of the Countdown to Conference (C2C) series. We would love to feature a brief blog post from you too! Visit our main Countdown to Conference page for details! For more information about #GEAconf202 visit the conferenceContinue reading
Rape Culture Research Network
The activism, advocacy and agency of the #MeToo era has exposed examples of sexual violence and harassment within an industry made possible by the patriarchal practices of its players. Inspired by this movement and itsContinue reading
C2C: #GEACONF2020 Keynote Speaker Lance McCready
This post is part of the Countdown to Conference (C2C) series. We would love to feature a brief blog post from you too! Visit our main Countdown to Conference page for details! For more information about #GEAconf202 visit the conferenceContinue reading
C2C: #GEACONF2020 Keynote Speaker Kristopher Wells
This post is part of the Countdown to Conference (C2C) series. We would love to feature a brief blog post from you too! Visit our main Countdown to Conference page for details! For more information about #GEAconf202 visit the conferenceContinue reading
C2C: #GEACONF2020 Keynote Speaker Jessica Fields
This post is part of the Countdown to Conference (C2C) series. We would love to feature a brief blog post from you too! Visit our main Countdown to Conference page for details! For more information about #GEAconf202Continue reading
Call for Participants: Educating AGENDA
Are you a teacher, youth worker or academic who has been inspired by the story of AGENDA: A young people’s guide to making positive relationships matter and put it to work in your setting? IfContinue reading