The UN has declared that October the 11th 2012 will mark the very first International Day of the Girl Child.
Author: GenderAnd Education
SEXTING: What is it and why is it an issue of gender equality relevant for an educational audience?
The NSPCC recently released our report ‘A qualitative study of children, young people and ‘sexting’. The report is based on qualitative, school based research conducted by myself (Jessica Ringrose, Institute of Education London), Rosalind GillContinue reading
Fame, Folk devils and Generation X-Factor
In recent months a number of articles have appeared in the UK national press, reporting renewed concerns about the impact of celebrity and consumer culture on young people’s aspirations. Celebrity culture features in these asContinue reading
GEA Policy Officer’s Report, 2012
Making Space for Queer Identifying Religious Youth (2011-2013)
When you think of religion, do you then think of sexuality? Does the connection then become a drastic dis-connection, a sentiment of incompatibility and impossibility, as the mind wanders over abortion debates, family planning, andContinue reading
Selling Science as ‘a Girl Thing’
When the EU launched a short viral video to publicise their It’s a Girl Thing! campaign to get more women into science, it all kicked off in the blogosphere and twitterverse. The 45 second promo,Continue reading
School inspections: do they tell us about sexual bullying in schools?
Ofsted published a thematic review on 19 June that looks at what schools can do to create a positive school culture and to prevent and tackle bullying. 37 primary schools and 19 secondary schools wereContinue reading
Cutting the UK Equalities Commission – one cut too far?
The Equalities and Human Rights Commission is currently in a fight for its survival.
Connecting the Cares: Lines of Flight, Emotional Drives
There were many similarities in our journeys, with repeated meetings across time and place, first at Rutgers University, New Jersey, then London and then Oakland: our queer community – and queer cares – kept bringingContinue reading
Rethinking gender equality in the teaching profession: is secondary school teaching ‘women-friendly’?
In many countries, teaching is constructed as a ‘women-friendly’ profession. By drawing on Les Enseignants et le Genre, a recently published cross-national comparison of men and women teachers based in French and English secondary schools,Continue reading