The interim conference, ‘Gender and Democracy: Gender and Research in Times of Change’, was hosted by the University of Gothenburg’s Department of Education and Special Education.
Author: GenderAnd Education
Trying to Triumph? Academic Cares and Capacities
Triumphs: Story 1 She’s just won a prestigious prize (at a prestigious conference): praise was rightfully delivered and she basked it the glory, in the surprise that seemed to say she’d arrived in academia (earlyContinue reading
Compelling Diversities, Educational Intersections: Policy, Practice, Parity
The Gender and Education Association would like to announce that the ninth international Gender and Education conference will be held at London South Bank University from Tuesday 23rd – Friday 26th April 2013.
Save The Women’s Library: Take Action
Dear Colleagues, We are writing to you to update you on recent developments with regard to the future of the Women’s Library, which is housed at London Metropolitan University.
Rejecting home for homeland: Carrie Madison and gender roles in TV’s Homeland
Homeland is a US television series based on an Israeli show, Prisoners of War. It centres on CIA agent Carrie Maddison, played by Claire Danes, who in dramatic opening scenes is told by a sourceContinue reading
A new wave of feminist activism?
The Guardian reports on a recent survey from UK Feminista’s which highlights a new wave of feminist activism springing up amongst young women in the UK. In the article, one young woman, 17-year-old, Isabella WoolfordContinue reading
Feminist ‘Failures’ and Classroom Concerns
I’ve been a part of a few feminist reading groups in different UK-US institutions: lately this has posed a question of what kind of ‘feminism’ are we reading, evaluating and doing in these classroom encounters?Continue reading
Gaby Weiner and Carolyn Jackson leave the Executive
Gaby Weiner, Chair of the Association since 2009, formally stepped down from her position on Thursday evening along with former Chair and Executive Member Carolyn Jackson. Both were presented with gifts and lifetime memberships byContinue reading
Advancing Nordic Research on Gender in Education
The Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA) is the main Nordic organisation for educational researchers and it has had a Gender and Education network for some 20 years. At this year’s NERA conference held in CopenhagenContinue reading
Children, Sexuality and Sexualisation: a Matter of Equalities, Rights and Voice – 30th March 2012
Recently, I had the pleasure of attending an excellent event exploring young people and sexualisation in Wales. The Cardiff University event was opened by two senior policymakers for Wales, Keith Towler, the Children’s Commissioner, and Continue reading