Constantly, I am dismayed by the reporting style used in national and local media when women lose their lives as a result of domestic violence.
Author: GenderAnd Education
The Real Iron Ladies
At 12.30 pm on 6th January a banner was unfurled outside the Cineworld Cinema in Chesterfield. The banner read ‘The Real Iron Ladies’ Women’s Action Group Miners Strike 1984/85. This was in protest at theContinue reading
Boffins and geeks: geek or chic?
The labels swot, ear ’ole, boffin, keeno, geek and nerd resonate meaningfully across generations of school-goers and echo through the terrains of popular culture. Our Gender and Education viewpoint started life as a conversation aboutContinue reading
Education, Activism and Practice: Report from the BERA Sexuality & Youth Studies Event
November 11th 2011 saw an exciting joint symposium between the Youth studies and Sexualities BERA SIG at Manchester Metropolitan University, UK.
Girl guiding survey reports austerity impacting on UK girls’ education and career aspirations
The 2011 Girls’ Attitudes Survey by the Girl Guides has reported that financial uncertainty is shaping girls’ and young women’s career and academic aspirations.
Female Paths to Adulthood in a Country of ‘Genderless Gender’
As a researcher, there are situations when some discussions with interviewees or colleagues start to tickle our brains and cry out for getting analysed and reanalysed.
Marriage at the heart of sex education for Free Schools and Academies?
Sex & Relationship education (SRE) in the UK remains a highly politicized arena. In the wake of the recent PSHE review, media sources are now reporting that new funding agreements for new free schools andContinue reading
Gender representation and social justice: Ideology, methodology and smoke-screens
This article in Gender and Education 27.3 was born out of a commitment to contribute to the United Nations Millennium Goals related to gender equality. The commitment was not only mine as author, but alsoContinue reading
Gender in Education: Launch of New Resources for Use in Schools
A number of new initiatives have recently been launched by the government’s equality group. These campaigns have also resulted in the development of a number of new resources that can be used in schools toContinue reading
Catholic Daughters: the Mother Daughter Nexus
For my PhD research on the Catholic mother-daughter relationship I decided to turn the analytical lens on myself. I discussed the idea with a friend, who suggested examining the mother-daughter relationship. I phoned my motherContinue reading