Following the intense scrutiny to which Islamic societies and cultures have been subjected in the recent past, I was intrigued by the excessive emphasis on the nexus between terrorism and Islam. In particular, I noticedContinue reading
Author: GenderAnd Education
Similarities and differences in collegiality / managerialism in Irish and Australian universities
This article developed from collaboration between the authors in late 2008 when Kate was a visiting researcher at the University of Limerick, funded by the Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences. AtContinue reading
Girls, Graduate Jobs and the Gender Chasm
Reports from across the world last week were claiming that we are no longer facing a gender gap but rather a gender chasm. Drawing on a new ‘gender gap’report these articles claim that even thoughContinue reading
Don’t Turn Back Time On Women’s Equality: Fawcett Society Day of Action, Saturday 19th November 2011
‘Women’s rights tend to be at best on the margins, and actually we are over 50% of the population. It’s not just gender blind. I’d say it’s actually gender regressive’ (Ceri Goddard, Chief Executive ofContinue reading
Decision on taking account of maternity leave in the REF
The Research Excellence Framework (REF) has announced that following the consultation on draft panel criteria for the REF, the four UK funding bodies have taken an early decision on the arrangements for taking account ofContinue reading
Feminism: Much More Than Women’s Rights
Growing up as a young woman in today’s society, I have always been aware of the issues that women, teenage girls, and even young girls face. When I learned about the feminism course offered byContinue reading
Slippage and/or symbolism: gender, policy and educational governance in Scotland and Sweden
The co-authors of this article have been working together in Sweden (Elisabet Öhrn & Gaby Weiner) and in Scotland (Gaby Weiner & Joan Forbes) for a number of years. The idea for this policy studyContinue reading
Feminist Ryan Gosling
Ryan Gosling is the star of three current films: political drama The Ides of March, noir action flick Drive and rom-com Crazy, Stupid Love. He’s also the star of the global gender politics phenomenon FeministContinue reading
Has research on Gender and Education come of age as a properly scientific field or is something else happening?
I was recently invited by the University of Luxembourg as a keynote speaker at an International Conference, ‘Gender Variations in Educational Success: Searching for Causes’. It quickly became apparent that boys’ achievement with respect toContinue reading
Gender, community and education: cultures of resistance in Socialist Sunday Schools and Black Supplementary Schools
I started the historical research that is the basis for my article in the upcoming Gender and Education issue (23:6) in 2007. At this time, New Labour’s policy emphasis on ‘empowerment’ through community cohesion, regenerationContinue reading