Are you a teacher, youth worker or academic who has been inspired by the story of AGENDA: A young people’s guide to making positive relationships matter and put it to work in your setting? IfContinue reading
Author: GenderAnd Education
Gender Complexity, Collaboration, Connectedness (GC3), Gender and Education Association International conference, Hosted by the University of Calgary, Werklund School of Education June 15th-18th, 2020 Call for Papers CfP deadline: 30th November 2019 The Gender andContinue reading
Reflections on #GEAconf2019
I am Natasha Richards, a doctoral student at the University of Essex. The 2019 conference was my first experience with GEA – and it was incredible. The atmosphere was extremely welcoming, every single talk/workshop IContinue reading
Celebrating Feminist, Gender and Sexuality Scholarship at AERA
GEA is pleased to be co-hosting a celebration of Feminist, Gender and Sexuality Scholarship at the American Educational Research Association’s Annual Meeting this April. In collaboration with the Queering Education Research Institute (QuERI), Ontario InstituteContinue reading
Host GEA conference 2020
Could your institution host the Gender and Education conference in 2020? With preparations well underway for #GEAconf2019 at the University of Portsmouth, we turn our attention to conference plans for 2020. GEA are pleased toContinue reading
Feminist Teacher Symposium 2018
GEA FEMINIST TEACHER SYMPOSIUM 2018, NeW Space, The University of Newcastle, Australia Join us on Sunday, December 9 from 8:30-3pm for a daylong symposium gathering teachers, scholars, and activists to discuss intersectional feminist and inclusive approaches toContinue reading
Feminism in Schools Conference 2018
The Feminism in Schools Network & WomenEd present their second annual Feminism in Schools Conference. On Saturday 17th November 2018, secondary age girls will join together with university students, teachers, parents, education professionals, and feminist activists to thinkContinue reading
School staff experiences in supporting LGBTI students in schools: A study from Tasmania, Australia
A growing body of interdisciplinary research identifies significant need for LGBTI-inclusive teaching practices and schooling environments (Jones and Hillier 2013; Kosciw et al. 2013; Robinson and Ferfolja 2002; Shannon 2016). Pullen Sansfaçon et al. (2015)Continue reading
C2C: The possibility of being a feminist preschool teacher
This post is part of the Countdown to Conference (C2C) series. We would love to feature a brief blog post from you too! Visit our main Countdown to Conference page for details! C2C: The possibility ofContinue reading
C2C: Reflections on Critical Pedagogy in the New ‘Post-Truth’ Landscape
This post is part of the Countdown to Conference (C2C) series. We would love to feature a brief blog post from you too! Visit our main Countdown to Conference page for details! A Prelude to: “SomethingContinue reading