Whatever position you take on the democracy movements in North Africa and the Middle East, and the West’s reaction to them, it’s been heartening to see so many women involved in the demonstrations appearing dailyContinue reading
Author: GenderAnd Education
Review of Vocational Education: The Wolf Report for the Department of Education
The Second Gender and Education Association Policy Report (March 2011) Alison Wolf’s report on education for 14-19 year olds, commissioned by the English Government in Autumn 2010, has received rapturous acclaim in the media, policyContinue reading
Japan and the Forgiveness of Women
In the wake of Japan’s catastrophic earthquake and tsunami, the English service of China Radio International reports that among the groups sending their condolences to the Japanese people has been a group of South KoreanContinue reading
Do we need International Women’s Day?
International Women’s Day has come around again. We know this because each year at the beginning of March, you’d think that the topic of women and their rights had been newly discovered. For a fewContinue reading
Conference 2011: Visiting Exeter
Although Exeter is a relatively small city, it has an interesting history that visitors can explore and it has the moors and the coast on its doorstep. There are a number of websites that willContinue reading
Conference 2011: Eating in Exeter
Exeter has a wide range of restaurants, a number of which are well renowned. Did you know that Michael Caine (one of our local chefs who has two restaurants in the region) was rated asContinue reading
Influences on Young Children’s Gender Identity: Observational Reflections
Bobbie: I’m Snow White. (Bobbie has placed a cup on his head to symbolise a tiara and has draped his coat around his shoulders like a cloak) Bobbie looks delicate, has long, blond hair andContinue reading
Supporting Transgender Children in the Primary Classroom: A Reflection
Too often in discussions about gender identity the approach taken is extremely narrow. The discourse is largely dominated by the cisgendered, binary perspective that there is ‘male’ and that there is ‘female’ – and thatContinue reading
Conference 2011: Travelling to Exeter
Exeter is in the South-West of England, just above Cornwall, located in Devon. Exeter can easily be reached through its own airport or from other major cities by good rail and road links.