This month has seen the release of the hotly debated film Made in Dagenham. This is a film which recalls the events surrounding the 1968 strike by the women sewing machinists at the Ford plantContinue reading
Author: GenderAnd Education
Grandma was a Suffragette: one woman’s part in the Votes for Women campaign
A presentation by Barbara Andrew, feminist, socialist, trade unionist, community activist and proud grand-daughter of Thirza Cove, militant London Suffragette
Gender Differences in Education and Youth Transitions 1985-2005
The Scottish School Leavers’ Surveys (SSLS) were a rich source of information about the experiences of young people between the ages 16 and 23., and provided longitudinal data on their secondary schooling, and their transitionsContinue reading
An Unusual Feminist Initiative
Bill Bryson, the current Chancellor at Durham University has raised £625000 through appeals to alumni- to fund 25 Afghan women to attend the university over next 5 years- the first starting this September. This partnership wasContinue reading
Education for Change Seminar
On 23rd June 2010 UCU, the union which represents academic and academic-related staff in further and higher education in the UK, held a day seminar entitled ‘Education for Change: preparing an activist agenda to promoteContinue reading
Gender Hysteria: 2010 Examination Results
Once more, the annual hysteria around exam results is upon us in the UK, and as journalist Lucy Tobin puts it the gender debate that has been simmering for the last few years is setContinue reading
Celebrating the Feminist Within
DECERe, University of East Anglia 22 September 2010 Feminist academics in leadership positions report difficulty pursuing feminist ideals, often preferring to leave their ‘radical’ feminist identities at home with some professing desires to unite their dualContinue reading
Performing the Self: Women's Lives in Historical Perspective
Scarman House, University of Warwick 10-12 September 2010 The idea that selfhood is performed has a very long tradition. This interdisciplinary conference will explore the diverse representations of women's identities in the past and considerContinue reading
What is left for feminist activists to fight for?
We thought you’d be interested in a recent letter to the Guardian from one of our members, Val Millman, which was in response to a question about whether there is anything left for feminists toContinue reading