Following on from our recent blog “Sexual harassment at school: What can young people’s gender-based activism tell us?” In this discussion Hanna Retallack, Jessica Ringrose and Tabitha Millett outline IOE UCL led activities designed toContinue reading
Author: GenderAnd Education
Meme Defectors? Girls’ encounters with leadership role models
Written by Michele Paule, Oxford Brookes University Back in the 90s when I was working in a secondary school, a creative young RE teacher painted a mural of heroes onto the wall of a corridor.Continue reading
#PressforProgress this March
With recent global activism for gender equality fuelled by #MeToo, #TimesUp and more – there is growing momentum behind campaigns for gender parity. Mass public engagement with these hashtags has fuelled unprecedented media attention toContinue reading
Call for Papers #GEAconf2018
Gender, Post-truth Populism and Pedagogies: Challenges and Strategies in a Shifting Political Landscape #GEAconf2018 Organising Committee: Professor Penny Jane Burke; Professor Lisa Adkins; Professor Rosalind Gill; and Associate Professor Ros Smith; Dr Julia Coffey andContinue reading
#FEAS Cite Club: Educational epistemologies and methods in a more-than-human world
Feminist Educators Against Sexism (#FEAS) are an Australian-based, international feminist collective committed to developing interventions into sexism in the academy and other educational spaces. One of their interventions is Cite Club, an e-mail group whereContinue reading
Inclusive practices: supporting teachers, supporting students
Written by Kim Beasy and Loren Dyer In Australia, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) young people report high levels of bullying, harassment, and discrimination at school, resulting in negative educational and health outcomes. PreviousContinue reading
GEA Fund project: institutional visit #1 – Small Slow Steps
This post has been a while in the making, there have been other drafts, many engaging and reflective email exchanges about form and content, and many personal and professional life events both uplifting and challengingContinue reading
Save the Cheerleader, Save the World: Girls, media and leadership in the 21st century
Fellow sci-fi fans may remember the TV series Heroes, in which ordinary people develop superpowers. Their mission centres on one character, Claire Bennet, a high-school cheerleader with the power to regenerate herself. The superheroes’ mantraContinue reading
Thoughtful Gatherings: Guest Post by Emily F. Henderson and James Burford
Thoughtful gatherings: gendering conferences as spaces of learning, knowledge production and community Guest Editors Emily F. Henderson, Warwick University James Burford, Thammasat University While conferences are a ubiquitous feature of academic work and represent aContinue reading
Call for Papers for a Special Issue of Gender and Education: Thoughtful Gatherings
Thoughtful gatherings: gendering conferences as spaces of learning, knowledge production and community Special Issue Guest Editors: Emily F. Henderson & James Burford Conferences are an important but neglected research area. While they are a ubiquitousContinue reading