When I was 13, I took a train to Birmingham with a friend. The train conductor came to inspect our tickets, before handing them back he lifted up our t-shirts and stamped our belly buttons.Continue reading
Author: GenderAnd Education
#FEAS Cite Club: Decolonizing ‘place’ in early childhood studies
Cite Club: Decolonizing ‘place’ in early childhood studies Feminist Educators Against Sexism (#FEAS) are an Australian-based, international feminist collective committed to developing interventions into sexism in the academy and other educational spaces. One of theirContinue reading
GEA 2017 Conference Video
Our 2017 conference, hosted by Jayne Osgood and her team at Middlesex University, was a huge success. We are pleased to be able to share this video sharing the highlights from the event.
Picturing Care: Guest Post by Wendy Luttrell and Victoria Restler
Picturing Care: Reframing Gender, Race and Educational Justice Wendy Luttrell, Graduate Center City University of New York Victoria Restler, Rhode Island College Everyone knows that schools cannot function and children cannot learn without care. AndContinue reading
We are excited to announce that the GEA Fund is entering its second year in 2017/18. The Fund aims to support our membership to develop networks and undertake small research projects. The focus of theContinue reading
Young people light up the AGENDA for a better sex and relationships education
Guest post by Victoria Edwards Generating more energy than the blazing July sun, over 70 young people (age 13-18) streamed in to the Educating Agenda conference, in Cardiff University last week. They came to participate, share,Continue reading
Decolonizing Gender and Education Research: Guest Post by Caroline Manion and Payal Shah
For decades now, there have been sustained calls within the academic field to engage in research that challenges dominant knowledge production processes (Abu-Lughud 1991; Narayan 1993; Smith 2012; Takayama 2011). Given that critical feminist research has hadContinue reading
CfP for a Gender and Education Journal Special Issue: Decolonizing Gender and Education Research
Call for Papers for a Special Issue of Gender and Education Decolonizing Gender and Education Research: Exploring the Relationship Between Feminist Research on Education and Decolonizing, Indigenous Knowledges and Cosmologies Special Issue Guest Editors: CarolineContinue reading
CfP for a Special Issue of Gender and Education: Picturing Care
Picturing Care: Re-framing Gender, Race, and Educational Justice This special issue aims to advance the critical scholarship on carework and care injustice through visual and arts-based educational research. In a time of neoliberal accountability culture,Continue reading
Padam… Padam… GEA Conference 2017: Dr Zoe Charalambous
By Dr. Zoe Charalambous, Anatolia College “Cet air qui m’obsède jour et nuit Cet air n’est pas né d’aujourd’hui Il vient d’aussi loin que je viens Traîné par cent mille musiciens Un jour cet airContinue reading