The TENTH international biennial conference of the Gender and Education Association is now less than a week away. Hosted by The University of Roehampton, Feminisms, Power and Pedagogy is sure to be an informative, engaging andContinue reading
Category: 2015 Conference
Generating ‘Good’ Ideas, Writing Good Papers and Reviewing Journal Articles: A free workshop for doctoral students and early career researchers who have not yet published in refereed academic journals
As part of the 2015 Gender and Education Association conference, the Gender & Education editorial team will be running a free workshop for doctoral students and early career researchers who have not yet published inContinue reading
2015 GEA Conference programme
Programme in day order Abstracts Weds 24 June Abstracts Thurs 25 June Abstracts Fri 26 June
2015 Biennial Conference of the GEA Association: Keynote speakers’ short bios and abstracts
2015 Biennial Conference of the GEA Association: Keynote speakers’ short bios and abstracts Prof. Katarina Eriksson Barajas, Linköping University, Sweden The Power of Fiction as a Pedagogical Tool for Eliciting Gender Discourses My paper examinesContinue reading
Feminisms, Power and Pedagogy: 10th Biennial Conference of the Gender and Education Association
Third and Final Call for Papers DEADLINE EXTENDED TO 10 January 2015 University of Roehampton, 24-26 June 2015 The tenth international biennial conference of the Gender and Education Association, Feminisms, Power and Pedagogy, will beContinue reading
10th Biennial Conference of the Gender and Education Association
Feminisms, Power and Pedagogy: 10th Biennial Conference of the Gender and Education Association University of Roehampton 24-26 June 2015 The tenth international biennial conference of the Gender and Education Association, Feminisms, Power and Pedagogy, will beContinue reading
Educating young people about sex: Addressing issues of gender, sexuality and diversity, 11-13 April, 2014, Brno, Czech Republic
The international conference, Educating young people about sex: addressing issues of gender, sexuality and diversity takes place on 11-13 April in Brno, Czech Republic. The conference is part-funded by the GEA and is jointly organisedContinue reading
Gender and Education Biennial Interim Conference 9-11th December 2014
Gender and Education in the Asia Pacific: Possibilities and provocations We would like to invite you to the Gender and Education Association Biennial Interim Conference, which is being held in the Southern Hemisphere for theContinue reading
Compelling Diversities, Educational Intersections: Policy, Practice, Parity
The Gender and Education Association would like to announce that the ninth international Gender and Education conference will be held at London South Bank University from Tuesday 23rd – Friday 26th April 2013.