We are pleased to announce the following calls for papers; all three are fantastic opportunities and promise to be exciting events! 1. Neoliberalism, work and gender education (deadline for abstracts is 6 July) NGEWContinue reading
Category: Gender and Education Journal
Boffins and geeks: geek or chic?
The labels swot, ear ’ole, boffin, keeno, geek and nerd resonate meaningfully across generations of school-goers and echo through the terrains of popular culture. Our Gender and Education viewpoint started life as a conversation aboutContinue reading
Female Paths to Adulthood in a Country of ‘Genderless Gender’
As a researcher, there are situations when some discussions with interviewees or colleagues start to tickle our brains and cry out for getting analysed and reanalysed.
Gender representation and social justice: Ideology, methodology and smoke-screens
This article in Gender and Education 27.3 was born out of a commitment to contribute to the United Nations Millennium Goals related to gender equality. The commitment was not only mine as author, but alsoContinue reading
Catholic Daughters: the Mother Daughter Nexus
For my PhD research on the Catholic mother-daughter relationship I decided to turn the analytical lens on myself. I discussed the idea with a friend, who suggested examining the mother-daughter relationship. I phoned my motherContinue reading
Shaping Futures and Feminisms: The Qur’anic School in the West African Francophone Novel
Following the intense scrutiny to which Islamic societies and cultures have been subjected in the recent past, I was intrigued by the excessive emphasis on the nexus between terrorism and Islam. In particular, I noticedContinue reading
Similarities and differences in collegiality / managerialism in Irish and Australian universities
This article developed from collaboration between the authors in late 2008 when Kate was a visiting researcher at the University of Limerick, funded by the Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences. AtContinue reading
Slippage and/or symbolism: gender, policy and educational governance in Scotland and Sweden
The co-authors of this article have been working together in Sweden (Elisabet Öhrn & Gaby Weiner) and in Scotland (Gaby Weiner & Joan Forbes) for a number of years. The idea for this policy studyContinue reading
Gender, community and education: cultures of resistance in Socialist Sunday Schools and Black Supplementary Schools
I started the historical research that is the basis for my article in the upcoming Gender and Education issue (23:6) in 2007. At this time, New Labour’s policy emphasis on ‘empowerment’ through community cohesion, regenerationContinue reading
Accessions: Researching, Designing Higher Education
My piece ‘Accessions: Researching, Designing Higher Education’ in Gender and Education (23:6) reports on the experiences, effects and (dis)engagements in working alongside designers – as part of a research-design team – to foster a moreContinue reading