On Thursday 1 September, Michael Gove made a speech about how students behave in schools. One of his ideas for getting students to stop misbehaving in class included a plea for more men to takeContinue reading
Category: Issues
Special Issue of Gender and Education (Thinking Education Feminisms: Engagements with the Work of Diana Leonard)
The extended deadline for abstract submission (7 September) is approaching. Further details are available here Share on Facebook Tweet about it Subscribe to the comments on this post Email to a friend
A ‘Worrying’ Trend or a Cause for Celebration? Girls’ Exam Success at 16
Once more the gap between girls’ and boys’ GCSE results (taken at 16) has been in the UK news (the results in Scotland were announced earlier in the year and did not attract the sameContinue reading
Meat is a Feminist Issue
For a long time I didn’t connect my identities as a feminist and as a vegan. Now I do, or at least I’m beginning to, and this blog is a short attempt to trace someContinue reading
Professor Becky Francis – Gender and Social Justice in Education: Current Issues and Future Agendas
Thursday 27th October 2011 Lancaster University 4.30-6pm followed by a drinks reception Sponsored by GEA and the Centre for Social Justice and Wellbeing, Department of Educational Research, Lancaster University Share on Facebook Tweet about itContinue reading
Straight A and Okay? Researching Academically Successful Girls in the Wake of Post-Feminism
We began studying academically successful girls in 2007. Some researchers and the popular media had already been asking “What about the boys?” for over a decade, but the discourse was becoming a runaway train inContinue reading
Early Career Female Researchers Beware: Message from the Political Studies Women and Politics Group
The Political Studies Women and Politics Group would like to draw your attention to a serious problem potentially affecting the careers of many women academics. Share on Facebook Tweet about it Subscribe to the commentsContinue reading
Blaming the women and education again
Is anyone else as sick to death as I am about the reportage of the recent disturbances in London and other English cities? Share on Facebook Tweet about it Subscribe to the comments on thisContinue reading
I feel bad for Sarah Palin
I feel bad for Sarah Palin. Whether she’s in New York sporting a Magen David necklace the size of a Mercedes hood ornament, rewriting Paul Revere’s ride or making yet another garbled, incoherent speech (described onContinue reading
The New Face of Feminism: Caitlin Moran’s How to be a Woman
In 1981 the noted British sociologist Olive Banks published a work called Faces of Feminism: A Study of Feminism as a Social Movement which provided an overview of feminism from the 1840s up to theContinue reading