The Third Gender and Education Association Policy Report (July 2011) Share on Facebook Tweet about it Subscribe to the comments on this post Email to a friend
Category: Issues
Familiar and strange fathers in education
They say ethnographers are supposed to make the strange familiar and the familiar strange. That, however, can be a difficult task since we tend to be ignorant about our own customs and ideologies. For instance,Continue reading
Learner identity, space and Black, working class young women
“It’s almost like she’s two different people; one in English Literature class and another in song-writing club. I’d like to think the second one is the true her” (English teacher, inner London post-16 college) ThisContinue reading
‘Study reveals extent of the Oxbridge divide’: Whatever happened to gender equality?
It is most remarkable that neither the Sutton Trust nor the media have noticed changing forms of inequality in access to elite universities over the last 30 years. Whilst it is true that access toContinue reading
Seedcorn Funding – Would you like a run a GEA event?
All GEA members are eligible to apply for up to £300 of seedcorn funding for a GEA event. Applications for alternative amounts will be considered on their merits. We welcome applications for all practice andContinue reading
Notes of a London SlutWalker
I am still on a high from the London SlutWalk, June 11, 2011. It was incredible to see all those women, girls, boys and men, queer and straight, old and young, brown and white marchingContinue reading
Get Involved in GEA: Call for New Regional Representatives
Traditionally the role of a GEA representative has been to promote the Gender and Education Association in their organisation and country. From 2011 onwards we would like to extend this role in order to ensureContinue reading
Conference 2011: Book of Abstracts now available online
Click here to read abstracts from the 8th International Gender and Education Association Conference, 2011. Share on Facebook Tweet about it Subscribe to the comments on this post Email to a friend
The Canadian Baby X
Occasionally, as part of courses I teach on gender and education, I include a reading by Lois Gould entitled ‘X: A Fabulous Child’s Story’. Written in a fairy-tale style, and first published in 1978, itContinue reading
“You cannot be the doctor if you are the disease”: Tackling Violence against Women and Girls in Schools in the UK
Do a quick search on the internet on violence against women and girls and school-based projects and you’ll find: specific websites; a good number of excellent, innovative packs; lesson ideas; and reports on pilot studies.Continue reading