Gender Complexity, Collaboration, Connectedness (GC3),
Gender and Education Association International conference,
Hosted by the University of Calgary, Werklund School of Education
June 15th-18th, 2020

We look forward to welcoming national, international and local educators, teachers, administrators, policy makers, community leaders, agencies and activists with a particular focus on gender, social justice, equality and education. The University of Calgary, Werklund School of Education, is honored to be the first North American university to host the Gender and Education Association International conference.

This year’s conference; Gender Complexity, Collaboration, Connectedness (GC3), reflects on the pillar of gender as a central identifier in education. The primary goal this year is to provoke conversations attentive to the complexity of gender particularly as it relates to the current social, political context.
The (dis)locating identities from a gendered lens speaks to the diverse and complex ways people are positioned through empowering and dis-empowering practices and knowledges. Nationally, internationally and locally we are witness to Calls to Action and the need for respectful dialogue across communities for greater intercultural understandings. We are in the midst of a troubling and troubled landscape wherein identity politics are used and misused. Thematically the conference will be responsive to and reflective of the ways in which gender is complexly located within education. The complexity of gender points to the intersectionality and the matrices of power associated with gender in education.
This conference will variously address the messiness of gender in the practical and theoretical realm with consideration of the implications this has for those in education as well as those outside of education. It is also a conference that will address collaboration both in the purest sense in which gender is a collaborative process through which we are authored and co-authored as well as in the broader sense that feminists and critical educators engage in collaborative research and activism to disrupt normative ideologies.
Collaboration is highly valued and promoted and in fact, during this conference our team will endeavor to promote opportunities for collaboration and community, spaces and places throughout the conference that prompt dialogue and nurture national and international collaboration. Finally, this conference is designed to speak to the connectedness possible when theory meets practice. A significant component of this year’s conference is the ways that theory informs and provides for practical implications particularly in education.
Visit the GEA 2020 conference website for more information about the conference theme, and travel information.
If you are attending conference, let us know on Twitter using the hashtag: #GEAconf2020 .
Key Dates/Information:
- September 30, 2019: Call for Papers Opens – (see GEA 2020 website for guidelines/formats/submissions)
- November 30, 2019: Call for Papers Deadline
A number of conference speakers have been confirmed:
- Dr. Tracey Bear
- Dr. Jessica Fields
- Dr. Lance McCready
- Dr. C J Pascoe
- Dr. Rebecca Raby
- Dr. Shirley Anne Tate
- Dr. Kristopher Wells
Early supporting contributors: