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C2C: #GEACONF2020 Keynote Speaker Lance McCready

Dr. McCready teaches School & Society in the Secondary Initial Teacher Education Program (B.Ed.) and Urban Education, Gender Equity, Qualitative Research Methods in the graduate Curriculum Studies and Teacher Development Program. He also serves as the department coordinator and instructor in the M.Ed. cohort in Urban Education.
Dr. McCready’s research program is concerned with the education, health and well-being of urban youth. His dissertation and subsequent publications focused on “making space” for diverse masculinities in urban education and how the experiences of gay and gender non-conforming Black male students reframe the troubles Black males face in urban high schools. His most recent research focuses on the educational trajectories of young black men in Canadian urban centres, and programs and services for ethnic and racial minority males who are underrepresented in North American colleges and universities. Conceptually, he is interested in the ways intersectionality, social determinants of health, and gender relations frameworks can be mobilized to develop more effective programs that promote academic achievement, well-being, school engagement, and access to higher education.
Dr. McCready’s work exemplifies the themes of GC32020 of Gender, Complexity, Collaboration, and Connectedness.