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C2C: #GEACONF2020 Keynote Speaker Shirley Anne Tate

Dr. Shirley Anne Tate is a Canadian Research Chair and Professor in feminism and intersectionality in the Department of Sociology at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta. Her research and scholarship includes work in the areas of gender, race and the body, institutional racism and gender in universities, and ‘race’ performativity. Dr. Tate is also the author of Inside the ivory tower: Narratives of Women of Colour surviving and thriving in British academia (Trentham Books, 2017).
Dr. Tate’s research interests can be broadly located as Black feminist decolonial diaspora studies. She has an intersectional perspective and has published widely in the areas of institutional racism, affect, hybridity, and the “race”d and gendered body in enslavement and freedom. This has emerged over a range of publications including book chapters, international distinguished speaker lectures, keynotes, and other invitations to speak in the UK, Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Finland, South Africa, Brazil, and the USA.
Dr. Shirley Anne Tate’s commitment as an educator, researcher, and advocate for gender, race, and equality will certainly provide a highlight spotlight session you will not want to miss. Dr Tate’s work within race, gender, and decolonial studies exemplifies the GC3 theme for this conference. Dr. Tate’s ability in connecting critical race studies to gender and education shows the complexities of gender research through an intersectional lens. She has also exemplified collaboration on the international stage through transnationally funded projects and international speaking engagements.