In the UK, the Fawcett Society has been actively engaged in mounting a challenge to the Coalition government’s approach to tackling the deficit. A recent high court challenge to the emergency budget demanded that there is a judicialContinue reading
Diana Mary Leonard, who has died aged 68 of endometrial cancer after a stubborn struggle, was a feisty and fiery feminist academic and activist. She was one of the originators of feminist sociology in theContinue reading
Does Hit Girl Kick Ass?
Written by Jane Goldman and starring Aaron Johnson (a British actor known best for playing John Lennon in ‘Nowhere Boy’), Chole Moretz (last seen in the remake of the ‘Amityville Horror’) and Nicholas Cage, thisContinue reading
Cutting Women Out of Education?
The 10th of November 2010: I and 50,000 school, college and university students and staff gathered in central London to protest against the Tory-Lib Dem coalition government’s proposed cuts to education and rise in tuitionContinue reading
Taking action: keeping violence against women and girls on the education agenda
The Coalition Government has just published a ‘strategic narrative’ on violence against women and girls. This should be followed by an action plan next Spring. Follow the link which provides template letters and campaign leaflets onContinue reading
Are girls victims of their own sexual agency? Sexualisation, sexual violence and schooling
On the 15th October the End Violence Against Women (EVAW) organisation called upon the Coalition Government to urgently address the “alarming levels” of sexual harassment and violence against young women in schools. Their YouGov 2010Continue reading
Slovak feminists are doing it for themselves
Earlier this week, while on a visit to Slovakia, I was able to visit ASPEKT, a feminist educational and publishing organization based in the capital, Bratislavia, Slovakia (the southern part of what was known asContinue reading
‘Rage of the Girl Rioters’?
Everyday there seems to be yet more depressing news for education in the UK. Yesterday saw more rushed ideological notions of bringing soldiers into the classrooms, destroying teacher education within Higher Education, and reconfiguring theContinue reading
Boys, Boys, Boys!
This month the UK newspapers have been awash with stories about the (supposedly) ever-decreasing ‘gender gap’. Indeed, several key reports relating to equalities issues have been released in the past month, all of which haveContinue reading
Professor Louise Morley: Imagining the University of the Future
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