Scarman House, University of Warwick 10-12 September 2010 The idea that selfhood is performed has a very long tradition. This interdisciplinary conference will explore the diverse representations of women's identities in the past and considerContinue reading
What is left for feminist activists to fight for?
We thought you’d be interested in a recent letter to the Guardian from one of our members, Val Millman, which was in response to a question about whether there is anything left for feminists toContinue reading
An Upsurge in Feminism?
We hear almost daily from the media that we are witnessing an upsurge in feminist activism and ideas. People tend to discount these media claims particularly as it is summer, many people are away onContinue reading
Women and Religion: Doctrinal, Historical and Social Perspectives
BIRTHA Postgraduate Conference, University of Bristol 20 November 2010 This conference seeks to bring together doctoral researchers and early career academics from a variety of disciplines and fields to explore the role and place ofContinue reading
A Carnival of Feminist Cultural Activism
i want to text my ex back Centre for Women's Studies, University of York, UK 3-5 March 2011 We welcome proposals for a Carnival of Feminist Activism: a three-day conference and festival of academic papers,Continue reading
Report on the Conference: Care Work in Focus: The Changing Nature of Care Work in Sectors
The conference, held on 19th July at Lancaster University (9.00-6.00) was attended by over 54 people, 16 speakers and 38 paying delegates. It was sponsored by the Centre for Gender & Women’s Studies, the FacultyContinue reading
The Role of Education With the Feminisation of Migration
An ESRC study (January 2008-March 2010), directed by GEA member Sondra Cuban (Lancaster University), entitled Home/Work: The Roles of Education, Literacy, and Learning in the Networks and Mobility of Migrant Carers has just been completed.Continue reading
Where are the women scientists online?
GEA executive member Heather Mendick and GEA member Marie-Pierre Moreau have been spending a lot of their time looking for women who work in science, engineering and technology online – across websites as diverse asContinue reading
What do women learn from magazines?
On 2nd of December Teresa Doherty, Tricia French and I organised the first of a series of (what we hope will become) termly Gender and Education Association events at The Women’s Library. About 30 peopleContinue reading
2009 GEA Conference: London
The 2009 conference was theme was regulation and resistance. It was held at the Institute of Education in central London. Share on Facebook Tweet about it Subscribe to the comments on this post Email toContinue reading