The labels swot, ear ’ole, boffin, keeno, geek and nerd resonate meaningfully across generations of school-goers and echo through the terrains of popular culture. Our Gender and Education viewpoint started life as a conversation aboutContinue reading
Tag: Becky Francis
Professor Becky Francis – Gender and Social Justice in Education: Current Issues and Future Agendas
Thursday 27th October 2011 Lancaster University 4.30-6pm followed by a drinks reception Sponsored by GEA and the Centre for Social Justice and Wellbeing, Department of Educational Research, Lancaster University
Conference 2011 Keynote Address: Gender and Education in the Twenty-first Century, Engendering Debate? (Becky Francis)
Becky Francis’ keynote took on the task of exploring the current place of gender in the education system. She reflected on our current place as researchers in gender and education, on the theoretical challenges ofContinue reading