Why are girl things so despised? Consider the derisive response to music girls like, movies and television shows girls watch, social networking sites girls inhabit, activities in which girls engage, and the clothes girls wear.Continue reading
Tag: femininities
Into the Woods
As a practicing middle school English Language Arts teacher and researcher in the Northeastern US, I am interested in the stories adolescents tell about their lives. To this end, my research in classrooms is ethnographic andContinue reading
‘Hello my little Barbies’: Nicki Minaj and Masquerade
A few months back a youth work colleague voiced concern about the young women she works with listening to a rising new female rapper, Nicki Minaj. She felt that the lyrics and the image wereContinue reading
Bad Animals Sitting Sweetly: Some Thoughts on Naughtiness, Gender and What We Learn in School
Let it be known that my six-year-old daughter is a child rife with frolicsome mischief. The experience of parenting said child fostered my interest in naughty youngsters, the connections between misbehavior and personhood andContinue reading
Fame, Folk devils and Generation X-Factor
In recent months a number of articles have appeared in the UK national press, reporting renewed concerns about the impact of celebrity and consumer culture on young people’s aspirations. Celebrity culture features in these asContinue reading
Selling Science as ‘a Girl Thing’
When the EU launched a short viral video to publicise their It’s a Girl Thing! campaign to get more women into science, it all kicked off in the blogosphere and twitterverse. The 45 second promo,Continue reading
Rejecting home for homeland: Carrie Madison and gender roles in TV’s Homeland
Homeland is a US television series based on an Israeli show, Prisoners of War. It centres on CIA agent Carrie Maddison, played by Claire Danes, who in dramatic opening scenes is told by a sourceContinue reading
Ever faced the Walk of Shame? Designing Disgust
Harvey Nichols, exclusive designer company, self-positioned as the ‘world’s leading international luxury fashion destination, a one-stop-shop for the most exclusive brands in fashion, beauty and food’ asks us directly via YouTube if we have ‘ever facedContinue reading
Boffins and geeks: geek or chic?
The labels swot, ear ’ole, boffin, keeno, geek and nerd resonate meaningfully across generations of school-goers and echo through the terrains of popular culture. Our Gender and Education viewpoint started life as a conversation aboutContinue reading