Reports from across the world last week were claiming that we are no longer facing a gender gap but rather a gender chasm. Drawing on a new ‘gender gap’report these articles claim that even thoughContinue reading
Tag: gender gap
Has research on Gender and Education come of age as a properly scientific field or is something else happening?
I was recently invited by the University of Luxembourg as a keynote speaker at an International Conference, ‘Gender Variations in Educational Success: Searching for Causes’. It quickly became apparent that boys’ achievement with respect toContinue reading
Missing men: back to school- same old story?
On Thursday 1 September, Michael Gove made a speech about how students behave in schools. One of his ideas for getting students to stop misbehaving in class included a plea for more men to takeContinue reading
A ‘Worrying’ Trend or a Cause for Celebration? Girls’ Exam Success at 16
Once more the gap between girls’ and boys’ GCSE results (taken at 16) has been in the UK news (the results in Scotland were announced earlier in the year and did not attract the sameContinue reading
The e-word now at the heart of English (higher) education
The Third Gender and Education Association Policy Report (July 2011)
‘Study reveals extent of the Oxbridge divide’: Whatever happened to gender equality?
It is most remarkable that neither the Sutton Trust nor the media have noticed changing forms of inequality in access to elite universities over the last 30 years. Whilst it is true that access toContinue reading
Conference 2011 Keynote Address: Gender and Education, History and Progress (Carol Dyhouse)
Carol’s keynote opened the conference by taking stock of girls and women’s position in education for “without the past we can’t understand the present”. She began by troubling the idea of progress for in theContinue reading
Conference 2011 Keynote Address: Gender and Education in the Twenty-first Century, Engendering Debate? (Becky Francis)
Becky Francis’ keynote took on the task of exploring the current place of gender in the education system. She reflected on our current place as researchers in gender and education, on the theoretical challenges ofContinue reading
Do we need International Women’s Day?
International Women’s Day has come around again. We know this because each year at the beginning of March, you’d think that the topic of women and their rights had been newly discovered. For a fewContinue reading
YWCA (England & Wales) becomes Platform 51
After 155 years The YWCA in England & Wales has recently re-launched itself as Platform 51. The 51 is intended to indicate that women and girls make up 51% of the UK population.