Constantly, I am dismayed by the reporting style used in national and local media when women lose their lives as a result of domestic violence.
Tag: girls
Girl guiding survey reports austerity impacting on UK girls’ education and career aspirations
The 2011 Girls’ Attitudes Survey by the Girl Guides has reported that financial uncertainty is shaping girls’ and young women’s career and academic aspirations.
Girls, Graduate Jobs and the Gender Chasm
Reports from across the world last week were claiming that we are no longer facing a gender gap but rather a gender chasm. Drawing on a new ‘gender gap’report these articles claim that even thoughContinue reading
Modern Girlhoods: Growing up in the 21st Century
Brunel University, Uxbridge, UK Wednesday 8th February 2012 10.30-5pm The Gender & Education Association with the Centre of Youth Work Studies and the Educational Department at Brunel University, and the British Sociological Association’s Youth StudyContinue reading
A ‘Worrying’ Trend or a Cause for Celebration? Girls’ Exam Success at 16
Once more the gap between girls’ and boys’ GCSE results (taken at 16) has been in the UK news (the results in Scotland were announced earlier in the year and did not attract the sameContinue reading
Straight A and Okay? Researching Academically Successful Girls in the Wake of Post-Feminism
We began studying academically successful girls in 2007. Some researchers and the popular media had already been asking “What about the boys?” for over a decade, but the discourse was becoming a runaway train inContinue reading
Blaming the women and education again
Is anyone else as sick to death as I am about the reportage of the recent disturbances in London and other English cities?
Learner identity, space and Black, working class young women
“It’s almost like she’s two different people; one in English Literature class and another in song-writing club. I’d like to think the second one is the true her” (English teacher, inner London post-16 college) ThisContinue reading
‘Study reveals extent of the Oxbridge divide’: Whatever happened to gender equality?
It is most remarkable that neither the Sutton Trust nor the media have noticed changing forms of inequality in access to elite universities over the last 30 years. Whilst it is true that access toContinue reading
“You cannot be the doctor if you are the disease”: Tackling Violence against Women and Girls in Schools in the UK
Do a quick search on the internet on violence against women and girls and school-based projects and you’ll find: specific websites; a good number of excellent, innovative packs; lesson ideas; and reports on pilot studies.Continue reading