Golden lads and girls all must/As chimney-sweepers, come to dust. –Cymbeline
Tag: masculinities
A report from from the BSA’s Young Masculinities one-day seminar
On Friday the 2nd of November, in an event entitled Young Masculinities: Challenges, Changes and Transitions the British Sociological Association’s Youth Study Group turned their attention to masculinities, an area receiving ever increasing academic attentionContinue reading
The Muddy-Booted Boys: The Lads’ Redneck American Cousins
It was the first day of school, and we were standing on the bleachers in the gymnasium, waiting for the seniors to make their ceremonial entrance. I stood there with the ninth graders, craning myContinue reading
Boffins and geeks: geek or chic?
The labels swot, ear ’ole, boffin, keeno, geek and nerd resonate meaningfully across generations of school-goers and echo through the terrains of popular culture. Our Gender and Education viewpoint started life as a conversation aboutContinue reading
Missing men: back to school- same old story?
On Thursday 1 September, Michael Gove made a speech about how students behave in schools. One of his ideas for getting students to stop misbehaving in class included a plea for more men to takeContinue reading
Conference 2011 Keynote Address: Gender and Education in the Twenty-first Century, Engendering Debate? (Becky Francis)
Becky Francis’ keynote took on the task of exploring the current place of gender in the education system. She reflected on our current place as researchers in gender and education, on the theoretical challenges ofContinue reading
“I’m just a girl who just says no”: Guides to Keeping Your Legs crossed- Abstinence Only Sex Education for Girls
Whilst I am always happy to see critical discussion on the role of sex and relationship education in schools and youth centres, worryingly, this week saw a new amendment narrowly passed in the UK Commons.
Influences on Young Children’s Gender Identity: Observational Reflections
Bobbie: I’m Snow White. (Bobbie has placed a cup on his head to symbolise a tiara and has draped his coat around his shoulders like a cloak) Bobbie looks delicate, has long, blond hair andContinue reading