In recent months a number of articles have appeared in the UK national press, reporting renewed concerns about the impact of celebrity and consumer culture on young people’s aspirations. Celebrity culture features in these asContinue reading
Tag: schools
GEA Policy Officer’s Report, 2012 Share on Facebook Tweet about it Subscribe to the comments on this post Email to a friend
School inspections: do they tell us about sexual bullying in schools?
Ofsted published a thematic review on 19 June that looks at what schools can do to create a positive school culture and to prevent and tackle bullying. 37 primary schools and 19 secondary schools wereContinue reading
Compelling Diversities, Educational Intersections: Policy, Practice, Parity
The Gender and Education Association would like to announce that the ninth international Gender and Education conference will be held at London South Bank University from Tuesday 23rd – Friday 26th April 2013. Share on FacebookContinue reading
World Atlas of Gender Equality in Education
A brilliant new resource for ‘visualising the educational pathways’ of males and females and for observing the changes in disparities over time has been launched by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics. Maps, charts and tablesContinue reading
Learned to Kill? Now Teach our Children: A Critique of Troops to Teachers
The UK government, following the lead of the US, is devising multiple ways to get more ex-members of the military into our schools – as teachers, mentors, classroom assistants and basic skills tutors. Share onContinue reading
Telling girls the truth about domestic violence
Constantly, I am dismayed by the reporting style used in national and local media when women lose their lives as a result of domestic violence. Share on Facebook Tweet about it Subscribe to the commentsContinue reading
Boffins and geeks: geek or chic?
The labels swot, ear ’ole, boffin, keeno, geek and nerd resonate meaningfully across generations of school-goers and echo through the terrains of popular culture. Our Gender and Education viewpoint started life as a conversation aboutContinue reading
Marriage at the heart of sex education for Free Schools and Academies?
Sex & Relationship education (SRE) in the UK remains a highly politicized arena. In the wake of the recent PSHE review, media sources are now reporting that new funding agreements for new free schools andContinue reading
Gender representation and social justice: Ideology, methodology and smoke-screens
This article in Gender and Education 27.3 was born out of a commitment to contribute to the United Nations Millennium Goals related to gender equality. The commitment was not only mine as author, but alsoContinue reading