Resources for teachers and parents about children’s books that challenge gender stereotypes
Tag: sexuality
Watching A Wedding: Private-Publics
I came to a stop in my tracks. I stood and stared as I began to watch a wedding; a deliberately public event announcing itself, lakeside, on a bright – but still cold – winterContinue reading
‘Hello my little Barbies’: Nicki Minaj and Masquerade
A few months back a youth work colleague voiced concern about the young women she works with listening to a rising new female rapper, Nicki Minaj. She felt that the lyrics and the image wereContinue reading
In memoriam: Shulamith Firestone
On 28th August, Shulamith Firestone was found dead in her Manhattan apartment at the age of 67. Firestone’s 1970 book, The Dialectic of Sex, is a carefully argued and inspiring call for a feminist revolutionContinue reading
Making Space for Queer Identifying Religious Youth (2011-2013)
When you think of religion, do you then think of sexuality? Does the connection then become a drastic dis-connection, a sentiment of incompatibility and impossibility, as the mind wanders over abortion debates, family planning, andContinue reading
Connecting the Cares: Lines of Flight, Emotional Drives
There were many similarities in our journeys, with repeated meetings across time and place, first at Rutgers University, New Jersey, then London and then Oakland: our queer community – and queer cares – kept bringingContinue reading
Rejecting home for homeland: Carrie Madison and gender roles in TV’s Homeland
Homeland is a US television series based on an Israeli show, Prisoners of War. It centres on CIA agent Carrie Maddison, played by Claire Danes, who in dramatic opening scenes is told by a sourceContinue reading
The Softer They Come: Elly Tams reviews ‘The Declining Significance Of Homophobia’
The Declining Significance of Homophobia is, according to its author, a ‘Good News story’ (p xxv). I capitalise ‘Good News’ for reasons that shall become clear. But focusing first on the main thrust of theContinue reading
“It Does Get Better”
Fantastic new single from the L Project that aims to raise awareness and money for charities that work to prevent LGBT bullying among young people
Education, Activism and Practice: Report from the BERA Sexuality & Youth Studies Event
November 11th 2011 saw an exciting joint symposium between the Youth studies and Sexualities BERA SIG at Manchester Metropolitan University, UK.