Click here to read abstracts from the 8th International Gender and Education Association Conference, 2011.
Tag: University of Exeter
GEA Lifetime Achievement Award for Professor Tuula Gordon
At the 8th International Gender and Education Association Conference in Exeter this year GEA was delighted to present a Lifetime Achievement Award to Professor Tuula Gordon. Although Tuula was unable to be at the conferenceContinue reading
Conference 2011 Keynote Address: Educating Desire (Davina Cooper)
Davina’s paper looked at the Toronto Women and Trans Bath House, a venue for sex between women who were often strangers, as an example of an ‘everyday utopia’. The notion of how to institutionalise socialContinue reading
Conference 2011 Keynote Address: Gender and Education, History and Progress (Carol Dyhouse)
Carol’s keynote opened the conference by taking stock of girls and women’s position in education for “without the past we can’t understand the present”. She began by troubling the idea of progress for in theContinue reading
Conference 2011 Keynote Address: Gender and Education in the Twenty-first Century, Engendering Debate? (Becky Francis)
Becky Francis’ keynote took on the task of exploring the current place of gender in the education system. She reflected on our current place as researchers in gender and education, on the theoretical challenges ofContinue reading
Conference 2011: Biennial General Meeting
27th April, 5.30 – 6.30pm (Venue: NC12)
Conference 2011: Visiting Exeter
Although Exeter is a relatively small city, it has an interesting history that visitors can explore and it has the moors and the coast on its doorstep. There are a number of websites that willContinue reading
Conference 2011: Eating in Exeter
Exeter has a wide range of restaurants, a number of which are well renowned. Did you know that Michael Caine (one of our local chefs who has two restaurants in the region) was rated asContinue reading